Thursday, February 11, 2010

things that make you prettier (to me)

There are certain things that, when they come together, create that particular collision that makes someone irresistible. Or, at least, attractive.

I like fellows who are light on their feet. There's something satisfying about a walk that is swingy and clear and unadorned. Free from fumbling. Bulls in china shops make me uncomfortable.

I like eyes that focus, the kind that look brimming with interest and responsive to varying degrees of shade. There is nothing so attractive as honest enthusiasm, and the eyes have it, if you do.

Now, the reason I was thinking about this is because a very handsome guy came into the bookstore the other night and I caught myself very unsubtly peering at the books in his hands; and I realised that I was revising my opinion on his handsome-ness based entirely on what he was about to read. I'm horrified at my own snobbery, but if you're bookish, it seems that your taste in reading will actually make you prettier. Or uglier. If you have a Cussler novel tucked into your pocket, you might as well be sporting a mullet.

He was reading Hammett, by the way. I thought: how quirky, and, what a nice looking guy.

I'm starting to think I spend too much time around books.


x said...

are you kidding?
Any boy reading Hammett is a freakin' ROCK STAR.

Anonymous said...

Where would...say...HP Lovecraft rate?

Megan Kurashige said...

x: you're probably right. If I see him again, we'll have a conversation about The Thin Man.

Damien: I would probably think, ah! Now that person is either really strange or has a wicked sense of humor.

Marc Jacobs said...

I read this aloud to my wife. She agreed that Hammett = Win. Her equivalent of Cussler was, "that guy who is reading 'Men's Health'? Ugh. Not reading." We both think that if they read books, you're already way ahead.

Megan Kurashige said...

Hah! Men's Health... Yes, I guess that any books are always better than none!